Where a boundary fence forms part of the barrier to the pool, Australian Standard AS1926.1-2012 requires there to be no climbable surfaces on the inside surface within a “900mm radius down from the top of the inside of the barrier”. The initial pool barrier inspection identified that the home owners had installed wall sconce down lighting along the surface of the boundary fence within this non climbable zone. The lights were installed to provide mood lighting and highlight pot plants within the pool enclosure. While the overall effect was beautiful, unfortunately, because the lights were within 900mm from the top of the boundary fence and they projected out from the fence by more than 10mm, they were considered climbable and within the non-climbable zone. The homeowner still wanted the lighting effect, so they replaced the lights with LED Rectangular Glass Steplights. The lights were able to be rebated into the boundary fence at the same height as the previous downlights (which were within 900mm from the top of the boundary fence) and because the horizontal surface projected out from the boundary fence by less than 10mm, unlike the previous lights, they were considered non-climbable and resulted in a successful Pool Barrier Reinspection.